Dear Member/Associate Members,Date:02-04-2019
Sub: Updates of Residential Layout proposed at Bidadi.
The Managing Committee hereby wish to intimate all our members, an update on the proposed residential layout. In this regard the overall status of the project and the reasons for delay is as detained below:
Construction of Compound wall
The Managing Committee has been able to construct compound wall around the lands which are already acquired by the Society and the photo of the same is annexed which is already website for the reference of our members. Fencing work also started for the remaining lands. Further, the Managing Committee is also planning for a site office in the near future.
Land Acquisition:
Around 33 acres of land which was readily available for purchaser have been acquired by the Society. However, for sale of remaining 17 acres of lands the approval of State Government is required as those land belongs to person belonging to Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe. The alternative PTCL Land of 14 acres and 16 Guntas of SC/ST’s has been Purchased and registered. As of approvals PTCL land obtained from Govt in this regard PTCL (SC/ST) land will be registered.
The Managing Committee has put all its resources to complete this work during the election time. So as to avoid delay in progress of the layout work.
Change of Land Use/Conversion
The Society has obtaining change of land use to an extent of 12 acres from agricultural to Residential purpose from BMICAPA and has made application for the remaining land acquired in the name of the Society. Presently the arrivals from BMICAPA is pending as some clarification from Thasildar, Ramangar is required. The managing Committee is following up with the Thasildar, Ramangar for necessary clarification.
Further, the Managing Committee is committed to hold a special GBM in the month of January/February 2019. Due to the above reasons a the special GBM withheld. As soon as get approvals from Govt we will intimate you within short to conduct the GBM.
We reiterate with emphasis that the Managing Committee since the last AGBM to till date has spent most of its time in obtaining the phody approval from revenue department and change of land use approval with BMICAPA. Also the Managing committee again acknowledge its immense regards towards its members who have been patient and have always been providing their continuous support till date. Further, the Managing Committee hereby assure to work in the better interest of the members.
Thanking You